May 24, 2019

Latest News


Hi, so I’m Emma Passey the face and mad head behind Paisley Flour Catering. I have been wanting to start a blog for quite some time now but life has just got in the way (as it does) with many business adventures and personal challenges getting in the way. So whilst walking my dog Izzy in the forest just behind HQ I should be taking in the fresh air and enjoying the trees and sound of the early morning birds …. well if you know me you would know that I have got my work head on…again writing this instead… 🤯 

I have decided to write about blogging…. now this is something I have never done before and I probably haven’t put pen to paper like this since school..Which was a few years ago, so please forgive my spelling and grammar!

I felt really inspired to do this during an event I catered for this weekend just gone.

At Paisley Flour we are very lucky to work with so many quirky, different, inspiring, professional, successful people & businesses. I have met many crazy people like me who literally live and breath what they do, and some who are just simply addicted to work (and believe me everyone that knows me would say this is me!!)

This weekend we had the pleasure of working with Balance.Psychologies and Recall.Art two very inspiring #womeninbusiness both of whom have a huge presence in their own fields and are of course professional bloggers and YouTubers. They hired Paisley Flour for a private gathering for their own blog and youtube channel. We provided them with a private dining experience. They wanted a fresh and healthy looking meal which was at the same time hearty and well balanced. After speaking to the lady who booked us I put together a menu which I thought brought out these flavours and ideas and would visually work. As this was a filmed and photographed evening which meant our food would be posted all over social media it had to tick all of the boxes. Of course we loved the sound of this…(we love showcasing our delicious food) we really were excited about the social media platform that we could reach.




Andy & I rocked up and were greeted by the lovely Anoushka and Tilly. They made us feel so comfortable and welcome and WOW what a beautiful house we were working in and what a back drop. After I met the guests it got me thinking…! (Which is quite dangerous) these women have created a following, a reason to be listened to! We all have something to say, something to do and something to prove, well I do anyway! I am still working it out, all of it, but Saturday just made me realise that if these people can create a blog and following and can inspire other like minded people, not just women but all you men too. I want to go on that journey and I want to do my bit to inspire likeminded people like me!! I really want to continue to grow my business, to achieve my dreams for me and my boy Solomon.

Is this what blogging is? I don’t know… But it feels good and got some stuff out of my head this morning. Maybe this could become addictive too!


Emma x
